How do you market your coaching business? Are you speaking to the right people? How is your foundation?
Coaches that are featured and get recognition are not always the best. There are better coaches out there, they just do not know how to market themselves.
Make sure to simplify your website, focus on your core offering, and know who’s buying it.
The basic foundation is branding and messaging. Messaging correctly and speaking to the right people. Go back to the fundamentals, make a solid foundation to grow and be successful.
A bit about Micheal:
Micheal is the owner and chief strategist at Boxer and principal consultant at Micheal Pacheco Consulting. He helps ambitious companies grow by leveraging technology and behavioral psychology in marketing.
Once upon a time, he was a professional musician, co-founder of ? The Slants, and founder of ? Splintered in Her Head.
Prior to that he did computer virus research and managed the North American computer virus labs at Intel Corp. He enjoys ?️ staying fit and playing ? ice hockey. He attended Waseda University (早稲田大学) in Tokyo and he loves sci-fi and dogs.
His personal blog is Chronicles of a Dilettante.
Micheal works with global brands and ambitious startups to help attract, convert, and retain more customers using data-driven strategies rooted in consumer psychology and behavioral science.
He had worked with both B2B and B2C clients, from the likes of Johnson & Johnson down to his local design agency down the street. No matter who you are, if you’re ready to grow then he can help. His unique approach to marketing is derived from a disparate background in design, computer research, music, and behavioral psychology. He’s spent his entire life pursuing knowledge in ostensibly random vocations, granting him the capability to problem-solve from a completely idiosyncratic perspective.
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